
Выберите привязыватель тюков, который лучше всего подходит для вашей сенокосной операции. Знаете ли вы MultiPack E14?

Ever since we started our operation in the US back in 2019, there has been a lot of talk and comparison with the Arcusin bale bundler, understandably so. We love how passionate farmers are about their equipment and we totally understand some of the arguments that are being tossed around, but we feel the need to clarify certain points and serve as a reminder that buying the right piece of equipment is not always (or never!) black and white. One machine does not fit it all and that’s the beauty of it.

There are a lot of variables to consider when buying the right machine, and the small bale handling market is no different. The key resides in knowing exactly what the operation lacks and needs the most to grow a specific hay-making business (is it speed, bale size, machine weight, field conditions?) and how the new acquisition would match with the rest of the farming equipment. Once all these variables are thought out and put on the table, an informed decision can be made.

As manufacturers that have been producing bale bundlers for more than 25 years, we know what our strong points are and how we can put those to service for farmers so they become more profitable.

It has always been a priority for us to build a light & versatile bundler that could work on all field conditions (large, small, flat, hilly, soft, tough, wet, dry, regular, irregular, easy access, difficult, etc.) and demanded minimum horsepower requirements.  Not all farmers can afford dozens of acres, several balers, the newest and most powerful tractors, and lots of space to maneuver around, and they deserve to be offered a solution that can work for them too. We might not be the fastest in certain field conditions, but we know we can be in others.

Flexibility is also a big point for us. We don’t believe in being constricted to a bale size, and that’s why we have worked so hard to create a well-rounded machine that can bundle bales at different lengths coming out from all 2 & now also 3-string baler brands out there. With the release of the new E14 model, we have added a 5th knotter and addressed the “banana” and “sag” issues that some US farmers had experimented with previous models, thanks to the extra compaction applied in the chamber and the redesign of the back gate.

Lastly, working with 14 bale packs allow us to have a bundle with no middle row that breathes from all sides, which is a big deal when working with grass hay as it prevents mildew problems to appear once the bundle has been sitting in the barn, not to mention that reduces the amount of hay preservatives that need to be applied. Our bundler can also work in higher moisture conditions, which is a huge decision factor for farmers living in high humidity areas.

We would like to end by saying that good, healthy competition is good to keep everybody grounded and evolve the equipment to new standards. How boring would it be if all machines looked, offered and worked the same? 😉 We appreciate everyone’s trust and feedback in the community, together we are making great things happen!

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